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Lapse to Luxury with the
Live Big 30 Day Challenge

Live Big 30 Day Challenge

Are you ready to get in shape?   Does looking and feeling your best sans Spanx sound appealing?  Ali Vincent,  of the Live Well Network’s Live Big and The Biggest Loser, has a challenge for us! She has created a Live Big 30 Day Challenge that will improve our strength and endurance… and help you achieve your fitness goals for the New Year!

Help is underlined, italicized and in bold as this is not and will not be your golden ticket on a direct flight to the promise land of your physical prowess.  The journey to that destination has many connecting flights; diet, cardio, desire, and dedication to name a few. It is a process that requires a holistic approach.  We can however take comfort in the fact that an incorporation of strength and endurance training is like being on the express, as it sets you on the fast track to replacing fat with muscle, and all of the benefits that come along with.  So… if you’re just getting started on the path to living big or looking to get more out of your current program set aside the time and begin building or filling in the cracks of your fitness foundation.

In the a.m., I will begin incorporating this into my daily exercise regimen and encourage you to do the same with your family.  It is commonly accepted that it takes anywhere from 21-28 days to form a new habit of replace an old one.  Lucky for us we have 30.  For convenience sake, you will find links to all 30 video segments for the 30 day Challenge below.  For even greater convenience, check back daily for the segment of the day posted on the Lapse to Luxury homepage.

And remember… before you begin any exercise program, it’s important to see your doctor. Once you are cleared to workout, it’s time for your day one assignment.

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 1

It’s day one of the Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today’s goal is simple — you need to go walking for 30 minutes. You can do it before work, after work or even on your lunch break, but get out there and get walking for 30 minutes.

You should walk briskly. This is cardio — so get that heart rate up.

What are you waiting for? Get walking!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 2

It’s day two of the Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today, we are strength training but first you should start out with a 10-minute warm up. You don’t have to do anything fancy — just march in place for 10 minutes.

***Note from your Life Stylist***

Why not do more?  How about a condensed version of that brisk walk from yesterday?

When you are warmed up, you can start the workout. You are going to do circuit training! Do each of the following exercises for one minute and do as many as you can within that minute. When you finish the set, rest for one minute and then do four more sets. When you are finished you will have completed five sets.

***Note from your Life Stylist:***

Circuit training is not for the wuss.  Incorporating strength and endurance training at a cardio pace puts your fat burning and muscle building potential into overdrive.

When doing squats you want your feet to be shoulder width apart. If you think about keeping the weight in your heels and your toes up, it’ll help make sure that your knees don’t go past your toes when you sit back into your squat. Squatting down until your thighs are parallel with the floor and then back up is the move.

***Note from your Life Stylist:***

I find it helpful to imagine you’re about to sit down in a wooden, straight back dining room chair when…oops … goes the brain when you realize you’ve left something in the kitchen, so you rise back up before fully sitting down.

When you think about doing lunges, start with your feet together. You’re going to be stepping forward as far as you can, making sure your back is straight. Once you step forward you’re going to bend down until your leg is parallel with the floor. Step back into the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.

Ankle Twists
Stand with your legs together and you’re going to take one leg and make a 90-degree angle with it bent. Then you’re going to take that arm and reach across your body, squatting down and touching the outside of your other foot.

Lie face down, rest your upper body on your forearms with your palms flat on the floor. Tuck your toes under and lift your hips and torso off the floor so that your weight is on your forearms and toes. Keep your spine parallel to the floor. Hold the plank for 60 seconds.

***Note from your Life Stylist:***

The plank is not to be played with.  This is a core training essential that improves endurance while strengthening and training nearly every major muscle group.  Forget about how much you can bench press and start investigating how long you can hold a planking position.

Lying on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor with your toes pointed forward, placing your hands behind your head, draw your navel towards your spine and slowly curl up your head, neck and shoulders off the floor towards your thighs.

You can do it. Make sure to Live Big!

***Note from your Life Stylist***

Engage Your Core!  Concentrate on pulling your navel in towards your spine, lifting your rib cage, and activating your gluts.  While doing so we’re tightening and firming those muscles.  But even more importantly, engaging our core is kin to strapping on an internal weight belt that supports and powers our bodies.    Ladies, this would also be a good time to engage in those kegel exercises we hear so much about.

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 3

It’s day three of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today is all about cardio — so you are going to go walking.Two days ago you were walking for 30 minutes — so today you are going to add 10 percent to that. You should walk for a total of 33 minutes. Remember, this is cardio so pick up your pace!

Now it’s time to lace up those sneakers and get moving!

***Note from your Life Stylist***

Consider adding a fast paced music mix to your walk.  Listening to music with anywhere between the range of  120-160 BPM, beats per minute, without any gaps between songs will assist you in staying in the optimal fat burning and heart strengthening zone.

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 4

It’s day four of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today, you are doing strength training. You should always start your workouts with a warm up. Do 10 minutes of butt kicks before starting this set of strength training exercises.

Once you’re warmed up, do each of the following exercises for one minute and do as many as you can. When you finish the set, rest for one minute and then do four more sets. When you are finished you will have completed five sets.

Sumo Squats
Stand with your toes slightly turned out and your feet about hip distance. Squat till your thighs are parallel with the ground and then come up.

Walking Lunges
Walk through your lunge, stepping forward and then bending your front leg until it is parallel with the ground. Stand up and then switch legs.

Tree Poses 
Start in a standing position, placing the sole of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. You want to press your hands together and hold that. If you feel strong in this, you can raise your hands all the way up. After holding this move for a full minute, switch legs for your next set.

Side Planks
Lie on one side, raise your body off the ground, and balance yourself on your forearm and the side of your bottom foot. Alternate sides for each set.

Leg Lifts
Laying on your back, contract your abs lifting your legs to a 90-degree angle so that your toes are pointing towards the ceiling, then lower your legs, stopping right before hitting the floor, then repeat. Make sure your abs are contracted so that your spine remains on the floor the entire exercise.

That last set gets tough but push through it. Remember, you can do anything for one minute. Live Big!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 5

It’s day five of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today is a cardio day. Go for a 35 minute walk. Remember, pick up your pace!You are doing great so keep it up!
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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 6

It’s day six of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

It’s time for some family fun! Gather up your friends and family and go for a group walk or bike ride. Make sure you’re out and about for at least 30 minutes.

Getting your friends and family involved is a great way to help you stay motivated.

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 7

It’s day seven of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today is a day of rest! But you don’t get to spend the day just laying around on the couch. You should use this time to plan out your meals for the week and then go grocery shopping and get everything you’re going to need for that week.

If you plan out your meals ahead of time, you’re going to be less tempted to stop at a drive-thru or order pizza later in the week. By planning, you’re setting yourself up to win.

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 8

It’s day eight of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Did you enjoyed your day off yesterday?
Today, go 35-minute walk and focus on picking up your intensity.
You should be focusing on your pace. If you feel up to it, maybe throw in a little jogging, or maybe do two minutes walking, one minute jogging. Do what you feel like is going to take you to that next level.
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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 9

It’s day nine of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

We are focusing on strength training today. For your 10-minute warm up, march in place for one minute and then do jumping jacks for one minute. Continue doing that for 10 minutes.

Grab your dumbbells or if you don’t have any, go to your cupboard and grab some cans.

Here’s your circuit for today. Do as many of these as you can for one minute. When you finish all of the exercises, take a minute rest and then repeat this set four more times. When you are finished you will have completed five sets.

Weighted Sumo Squats 
Take a dumbbell in each hand, holding it to the side, and then stand with your toes slightly turned out and your feet about hip distance. Squat till your thighs are parallel with the ground and then come up.

Weighted Lunges
Take a dumbbell in each hand, holding it to the side, and walk through your lunge, stepping forward and then bending your front leg until it is parallel with the ground. Stand up and then switch legs.

Wood Choppers 
You’re going to take a dumbbell in both hands, then you’re going to stand with your legs shoulder width apart. You’re going to place your arms to your right side and sit back into a squat. Then we’re going to press up and across, putting the weight over our left shoulder and then returning. After this set, you should repeat on the opposite side.

Planks and Walking Planks 
Hold the plank position for one set, then alternate to a walking plank. For a walking plank you start in the plank position with your elbows on the ground and then walk one hand up and then the other to straight arm position. Then, return back to the plank with your elbows on the ground.

Sit Ups
These are the same as crunches, except you’re going to sit up all the way, making sure that your feet stay on the ground and that you’re not rocking your way up. Use your abs.

blog bannerLive Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 10

It’s day 10 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today, you are working on cardio. Walk for 40 minutes and if you are ready for a challenge, go ahead and jog a minute or two.

Forty-minutes of brisk walking should be about two miles. On average, you burn about 100 calories a mile so today, if you’re getting that brisk walking in, you’re going to burn 200 calories.

You’re doing fantastic!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 11

It’s day 11 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

It’s time for more strength training!

So that you don’t get bored, we’re going to mix it up a little bit.

For your 10-minute warm up, start out with jumping squats. Once you’re in the squatting position you’re going to jump up, but remember this is hard so pace yourself. Do as many as you can for one minute.

Do each of the following exercises for a minute and do as many as you can. Then, take a minute rest and then repeat the set four times. When you are finished you will have completed five sets.

Weighted Walking Lunges 
Take a dumbbell in each hand, holding it to the side, and walk through your lunge, stepping forward and then bending your front leg until it is parallel with the ground. Stand up and then switch legs.

Front Dumb Bell Rows 
You’re going to take a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart, grab your dumbbells, place your arms directly in front of your chest with your palms facing in, then you’re going to pull down and back with your shoulder blades, bending your arms down.

Walking Planks 
For a walking plank you start in the plank position with your elbows on the ground and then walk one hand up and then the other to straight arm position. Then, return back to the plank with your elbows on the ground. Try to do as many as you can within the 60 seconds.

Bicycle Crunches
Lie on your back with your knees bent in a 90-degree angle. With your hands behind your head, draw your navel into your spine and slowly move your right knee towards your left shoulder as you rotate your torso towards your knee. At the same time, extend your left leg outward, then switch sides.

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 12

It’s day 12 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

You are doing more cardio today and that means more walking! Go for a 45-minute, fast-paced walk. And, don’t forget your water bottle. You need to stay hydrated.You’re doing great! Keep up the good work!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 13

It’s day 13 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today is another family fun day! Crank up the radio or find your favorite CDs and dance non-stop for 30 minutes. Get the kids and jump around. Have some fun and keep moving for 30 minutes.

If you go all out and freestyle, you can actually burn up to 200 calories! So keep on dancing!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 14

It’s day 14 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Congratulations! You’ve made it two weeks into the challenge and today is your day off from exercise.

Your body needs time to recover and rebuild.

You do have an assignment though.

Go to your local farmer’s market or go to the produce department in your grocery store and buy lots of vegetables. Buy at least one vegetable you’ve never tried before.

When you get home, make sure you cut it all up so that it’ll be ready for you to serve up during the week.

And, make sure you get a good night’s sleep tonight because tomorrow we’re back to cardio.

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 15

It’s day 15 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today starts the second half of your challenge!

Yesterday was your day off — hopefully you enjoyed the break!

Today, we’re going to get right back at it with a 45-minute walk. Your goal is to get your heart rate up.

If you’re ready to kick things up a notch, try alternating two minutes of jogging with five minutes of walking.

And remember, each step you take gets you closer to

Living Big!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 16

It’s day 16 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today, you are going to focus on strength training.

First, you should kick it off with our 10-minute warm up. Alternate two minutes of jumping jacks followed by two minutes of jumping rope.

Once you’re good and warmed up, it’s time for your strength circuit. You’ll do each of these five exercises for one minute and do as many as you can within that minute. When you finish the set, rest for one minute and then do four more sets. When you are finished you will have completed five sets.

We’re going to try something new today and we’re going to add in a stability ball.

Single Dumbbell Overhead Squats 
Stand in your squat position — your legs should be open shoulder width. Take your dumbbells, one in each hand. Place one hand above your head and the other hand directly in between your legs and you’re going to sit back in your squat position and then back up. Keep in mind your weight is in the back of your heels and your back is flat. Good, when you’re done with this set you’re going to rotate and switch so your other arm is above your head and your other arm is between your legs.

Split Jumps 
From a lunge position, jump up, switching your legs in the air and landing softly in the opposite lunge. Pace yourself, these are very difficult but you can definitely do it.

Jack Knife with Ball
Grab a ball and get into a push-up position with your shins resting on the ball and your palms flat on the floor. Pull your knees toward your chest, allowing your hips to rise to the ceiling and your head to tilt towards the floor. You should stop when your toes are on the ball and your weight is on your hands.

Flies with the Ball
Sit on the ball and roll out until your shoulder blades are on the ball while your legs are at a 90-degree angle. With the dumbbells in your hands lift them directly above your chest you’re your palms facing each other, open your arms evenly until they are parallel with the floor while keeping your elbows slightly bent.

Kneel with your arms straight but not locked and your wrists in line with your shoulders, fingertips facing forward and your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Lift your body up so that it is parallel to the floor. Bend your elbows so that your chest can lower towards the floor, then push back up.

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 17

It’s day 17 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Get your walking shoes on! It’s another cardio day.

Do a 45-minute walk — but you’re going to turn up the volume a bit! Alternate three minutes of walking with two minutes of running. Keep it up for 45 minutes. This will definitely get your heart rate going!

Have fun and remember you’re on your way to Living Big!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 18

It’s day 18 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today, you are working on strength training.

Start with your warm up first — jump rope for 10 minutes. Jumping rope burns about 11 calories per minute. But if you crank up the intensity you can actually double that burn. After you’re good and warmed up, get right into the strength training sets.

Do the following exercises for a minute and do as many as you can within that minute. When you are finished with the set, rest for one minute and then repeat the set four more times. When you are finished you will have completed five sets.

Wall Sits with Weighted Lateral Raises 
Find a wall and sit back in it until your legs are parallel to the ground. Take a weight in each hand and lift them directly in front of your chest one at a time.

Weighted Walking Lunges
Take a dumbbell in each hand, holding it to the side, and walk through your lunge, stepping forward and then bending your front leg until it is parallel with the ground. Stand up and then switch legs.

Chest Press with Ball 
Roll out on the ball with the dumbbells in hand. Start in the bent elbow position, and then raise the dumbbells to an outstretched position just above your chest, with your arms straight and your palms facing each other. Repeat this for the entire minute.

Plank with Weighted Rows 
Hold dumbbells in each hand and raise into the plank position. Then you’re going to alternate your arms, pulling the weight into your chest and returning it back to the pushup position.

Triceps Kickbacks 
A triceps kick back is when you’re holding a lunge position and with the opposite arm, put a weight in your hand, leaning forward, bend your elbow, and then you’re going to kick back your arm until your arm is parallel with the ground. Make sure to engage your abs to protect yourlower back. Bring it back and repeat. Switch sides with each set.

You’re going to feel amazing when you are done with this program. Live big everyone!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 19

It’s day 19 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Day 19 is back to cardio. But today, we’re taking it up to 50 minutes!

Alternate two minutes of walking with two minutes of jogging.

Now, this is going to be tough, so within that two minutes of jogging if you feel like you want to quit, don’t. But promise yourself that you’ll renegotiate as soon as you finish. You can take a little bit longer in your walking break between jogging. So if you feel like you’re going to quit, finish the two minutes, then take an extra minute in your walking so it’ll become three minutes. It’s going to be challenging, but you can do this because you’re Living Big!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 20

It’s day 20 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

It’s is a family fun day. There are tons of activities you can do but today get outside for some fresh air! Grab your friends and family and head out for a 30 minute hike.
Remember to check out the weather and dress appropriately.
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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 21

It’s day 21 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Congratulations! Today is your three-week mark!

Today is a rest day but that doesn’t mean you get to sit around. Use today to get ready for the week. It’s a great day to hit the grocery store and pick up your meals for the week. Then head home, fire up your stove, get everything cooked and portioned and ready to go for the week. Then it’s out of the way and you’ll have so much more time to spend with your family or do your workouts — and, yes — even enjoy yourself!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 22

It’s day 22 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

This is your last week of the challenge! Congratulations! You’re almost there!

Hopefully you enjoyed your day off yesterday because since this is the final week it’s time to step it up!

Today, you are going to do 50 minutes of cardio. Your goal is to do two minutes of walking and then two minutes of running.

No matter how you feel, you should push yourself as hard as you can for that last two minutes running.

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 23

It’s day 23 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today you are focusing on strength training.

Start with a 10-minute warm up of your choice — jumping rope, running, jumping jacks, etc. Once you are warmed up, do the following exercises for one minute and do as many as you can within that minute. When you are done with all the exercises, take a one-minute rest and then repeat the set four more times. When you are finished you will have completed five sets.

Plank with Triceps Kickbacks 
Push your body into a plank position with the weights under your hands and then perform triceps kick back, alternating your arms. Remember a triceps kick back is when your elbow is bent and then you press the dumbbell backward into an arc position until the arm is parallel to the floor.

Knife with Ball 
Grab a ball and get into a push up position with your shins resting on the ball and your palms flat on the floor. Pull your knees towards your chest allowing your hips to rise to the ceiling and your head to tilt towards the floor. Stop when your toes are on the ball and your weight is on your hands.

Bridge Press 
Lie on your back and bend your knees with your feet flat on the ground and your legs hip width apart. Place your arms by your sides. Draw your navel in to keep your spine neutral and squeeze your buttocks to lift your hips so that you create a straight line from your head to your knees, and then repeat.

Overhead Pullovers with Ball 
Roll out onto the ball resting your shoulders in a supine position. Raise the weights with extended arms above your chest. Then you’re going to slowly lower them back as far as possible, repeating this process for the entire minute.

Perform a push up and between reps, open to a side plank with an extended arm to create a ‘T’ and then repeat, alternating sides each time.

Remember, you’ll do as many of each exercise as you can within one minute. And, then you’re going to repeat the entire set five times!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 24

It’s day 24 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

It’s a cardio day. If you remember, when you first started you only did 30 minutes of cardio. Now, you are taking it up to 55 minutes. That’s almost double from where you started!Go for a 55-minute run/walk. Do two-and-half minutes of running and one-and-a-half minutes of walking. Remember to keep breathing and have fun! You’re doing great!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 25

It’s day 25 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

You are back to strength training today. As usual, start out with a 10-minute warm up of your choice.

Usually Ali mixes up her strength training exercises. This keeps you from getting bored and your body from getting used to your workout. But today you are going to repeat that very first strength circuit you did on the Live Big 30 Day Challenge — so that you can compare the amount of reps you were able to do on the first day to how many you can do today. You’re going to be surprised!

When you are warmed up, you can start the workout. Do each of the following exercises for one minute and do as many as you can within that minute. When you finish the set, rest for one minute and then do four more sets. When you are finished you will have completed five sets.

When doing squats you want your feet to be shoulder width apart. If you think about keeping the weight in your heels and your toes up, it’ll help make sure that your knees don’t go past your toes when you sit back into your squat. Squatting down until your thighs are parallel with the floor and then back up is the move.

When you think about doing lunges, start with your feet together. You’re going to be stepping forward as far as you can, making sure your back is straight. Once you step forward you’re going to bend down until your leg is parallel with the floor. Step back into the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.

Ankle twists
Stand with your legs together and you’re going to take one leg and make a 90-degree angle with it bent. Then you’re going to take that arm and reach across your body, squatting down and touching the outside of your other foot.

Lie face down, rest your upper body on your forearms with your palms flat on the floor. Tuck your toes under and lift your hips and torso off the floor so that your weight is on your forearms and toes. Keep your spine parallel to the floor. Hold the plank for 60 seconds.

Lying on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor with your toes pointed forward, placing your hands behind your head, draw your navel towards your spine and slowly curl up your head, neck and shoulders off the floor towards your thighs.

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 26

It’s day 26 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Today you are doing more cardio and that means more walking and running. You are holding strong at 55 minutes but you are going to alternate one minute of walking with two minutes of running. Make sure you’ve got your water bottle handy because you need to stay hydrated!

You are almost there so keep up the good work!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 27

It’s day 27 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Time for another family fun day! How about getting everybody together for a game? Maybe you play kickball, soft ball or basketball — or maybe even a little game of flag football. Did you know that you can burn as many as 285 calories playing flag football for just a half an hour?

So pick something that everybody is going to enjoy — and lose while you win!

You’re in the home stretch so keep it up, you’re going to do fantastic!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 28

It’s day 28 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

Congratulations! You have almost made it all the way to the end and you’ve earned yourself another day off! At least you’ve earned a day for your body to rebuild and recover — you still have an assignment today.

This is a great day to get the grill going. Grill up a couple of chicken breasts that you can use throughout the week.

Here are a couple of ideas:
Slice up the chicken so you can add it to a salad later
Cut it up into cubes and add it to some quinoa along with some steamed vegetables

You can also boil some eggs so that you have a handy snack during the week. That way you can reach for something healthy instead of the dreaded drive-through.

Get your rest tonight because starting tomorrow you are sprinting towards that finish line!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 29

It’s day 29 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

By now, you probably aren’t surprised — it’s another day of cardio. But it’s your last cardio workout — so you’re going to kick it up to a full hour. Make this a really good run. Show yourself how strong you’ve become since you started this challenge!

Have a great run!

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Live Big 30 Day Challenge: Day 30

It’s day 30 of your Live Big 30 Day Challenge.

This is the last day! You made it all the way through — which makes you a winner! You are on your way toward Living Big and achieving everything you want to do. This first step was a huge one!

Now, here is Ali’s surprise for today. It’s your reward day! You know how much Ali believes in rewards. Well, committing to do a Live Big 30 Day Challenge was a huge step. Making it through was an even bigger step. So now, reward yourself! What’s something you’d really like to do? A special activity? A day at the spa? Or a little shopping spree? Do something that makes you feel special. So go ahead and splurge! Ali said you can!

Well, this is the official end of the Live Big 30 Day Challenge. But hopefully you’ll look at day 30 as day 1 of your next step. Because if you can do this, you can do anything! Live Big!

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5 thoughts on “Live Big 30 Day Challenge

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